MAT 120 Precalculus F'24

Catalog description: This course is designed to prepare a student for MAT 210 Calculus I. Topics include solutions to equations; inequalities; algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions.

Syllabus:  link
Office: MCC 175
Office hours:  10:15-11:15 Wednesday and Friday,  11:30-12:30 Thursday, and by appointment
Homework: link

Week 16

12.09 Mon

Final exam 8-10am, Shineman 172

Week 15

Week 15 homework due Sunday 12/08, 11:59PM

12.06 Fri

Review for Final Exam

12.04 Wed

Review for Final Exam

12.03 Tue

Exam 2, covers material from dates 09/25 to 11/20

12.02 Mon

Class cancelled

Week 14


Thanksgiving break

Week 13

Week 13 homework due Sunday 11/24, 11:59PM

11.22 Fri

No class

11.20 Wed

Finish Chapter 5, part 3

11.19 Tue

Finish Chapter 5, part 2

Begin Chapter 5, part 3

Quiz 13 on Section 4.6 and Chapter 5, part 1

11.18 Mon

Continue Chapter 5, part 2

Week 12

Week 12 homework due Sunday 11/17, 11:59PM

11.15 Fri

Finish Section 4.6 Graphs of other trigonometric functions, Chapter 5, part 1

Begin Chapter 5, part 2

11.13 Wed

Continue Section 4.6 Graphs of other trigonometric functions, Chapter 5, part 1

11.12 Tue

Continue Section 4.6 Graphs of other trigonometric functions, Chapter 5, part 1

Quiz 12 on Section 4.1-4.7 (both parts 1 and 2) and Section 4.5

11.11 Mon

Begin Section 4.6 Graphs of other trigonometric functions, Chapter 5, part 1

Week 11

Week 11 homework due Sunday 11/10, 11:59PM

11.08 Fri

Continue Section 4.5 Graphs of sine and cosine

11.06 Wed

Begin Section 4.5 Graphs of sine and cosine

11.05 Tue

No class. Election day. Please go vote.

11.04 Mon

No class. Instructor out of town.

Week 10

Week 10 homework due Sunday 11/03, 11:59PM

11.01 Fri

Begin Sections 4.1-4.7, part 2

10.30 Wed

Finish Sections 4.1-4.7, part 1

10.29 Tue

Begin Sections 4.1-4.7, part 1

Quiz 10 on section 4.3 and 4.1-4.4, part 1

10.28 Mon

Sections 4.1-4.4, part 2

Week 9

Week 8 and 9 homework due Sunday 10/27, 11:59PM

10.25 Fri

Finish Sections 4.1-4.4, part 1

10.23 Wed

Finish Section 4.3 Right triangle trigonometry, part 2

Begin Sections 4.1-4.4, part 1

10.22 Tue

Begin Section 4.3 Right triangle trigonometry, part 2

Quiz 9 on section 3.5 part 2 and 3.6

10.21 Mon

Finish Section 4.3 Right triangle trigonometry, part 1

Week 8

Week 8 and 9 homework due Sunday 10/27, 11:59PM

10.18 Fri

Finish Section 3.6 Modeling with exponential and logarithmic functions

Begin Section 4.3 Right triangle trigonometry, part 1

10.16 Wed

Continue Section 3.6 Modeling with exponential and logarithmic functions

10.15 Tue

Begin Section 3.6 Modeling with exponential and logarithmic functions

Quiz 8 on sections 3.4 and 3.5, part 1

10.14 Mon

Section 3.5 Exponential and logarithmic equations, part 2

Week 7

Week 6 and 7 homework due Sunday 10/13, 11:59PM

10.09 Wed

No class

10.08 Tue

Exam 1, covers material from dates 08/26 to 09/24

10.07 Mon

Review for exam 1

Week 6

Week 6 and 7 homework due Sunday 10/13, 11:59PM

10.02 Wed

Finish Section 3.5 Exponential and logarithmic equations, part 1

10.01 Tue

Begin Section 3.5 Exponential and logarithmic equations, part 1

Quiz 6 on sections 2.6 and 3.3

09.30 Mon

Begin Section 3.4 Properties of logarithms

Week 5

Week 5 homework due Sunday 9/29, 11:59PM

09.27 Fri

Finish Section 2.6 Polynomial inequalities, Section 3.3 Logarithm functions.

09.25 Wed

Continue Section 2.6 Polynomial inequalities, Section 3.3 Logarithm functions.

09.24 Tue

Finish Section 2.5 Rational functions, part 2. Section 3.2 Exponential functions

Begin Section 2.6 Polynomial inequalities, Section 3.3 Logarithm functions.

Quiz 5 on sections 2.2 and 2.3, and 2.5 part 1

09.23 Mon

Begin Section 2.5 Rational functions, part 2. Section 3.2 Exponential functions

Week 4

Week 4 homework due Sunday 9/22, 11:59PM

09.20 Fri

Finish Section 2.5 Rational functions, part 1

09.18 Wed

Finish Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Introduction to polynomials and polynomial division, part 2

Begin Section 2.5 Rational functions, part 1

09.17 Tue

Finish Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Introduction to polynomials and polynomial division, part 1

Begin Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Introduction to polynomials and polynomial division, part 2

Quiz 4 over section 1.6

09.16 Mon

Continue Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Introduction to polynomials and polynomial division, part 1

Week 3

Week 3 homework due Sunday 9/15, 11:59PM

09.13 Fri

Begin Sections 2.2 and 2.3 Introduction to polynomials and polynomial division, part 1

09.11 Wed

Finish Section 1.6, part 2, Transformations of graphs

09.10 Tue

Finish Section 1.6, part 1, Transformations of graphs

Begin Section 1.6, part 2, Transformations of graphs

Quiz 3 over section 1.7 part 2, and section 1.8

09.09 Mon

Begin Section 1.6, part 1, Transformations of graphs

Week 2

Week 2 homework due Sunday 9/8, 11:59PM

09.06 Fri

Section 1.8, part 2, Algebra of functions and function composition

09.04 Wed

Finish Section 1.8, part 1, Algebra of functions and function composition

09.03 Tue

Section 1.7, part 2, Analyzing graphs of functions and piecewise-defined functions

Section 1.8, part 1, Algebra of functions and function composition

Quiz 2 on sections 1.3 and 1.7, part 1

Week 1

Week 1 homework due Sunday 9/1, 11:59PM

08.30 Fri

Finish section 1.7, part 1, Analyzing graphs of functions and piecewise-defined functions

08.28 Wed

Finish section 1.3, part 1, Functions and relations

Begin section 1.3, part 2, Functions and relations

Begin section 1.7, part 1, Analyzing graphs of functions and piecewise-defined functions

08.27 Tue

Continue section 1.3, part 1, Functions and relations

08.26 Mon

Begin section 1.3, part 1, Functions and relations